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Be part of StartupSeattle’s design project this summer!

This is a guest post from our StartupSeattle intern, Mulki Mohamed.  I am currently an undergraduate student at the University of Washington’s Human Centered Design and Engineering (HCDE) program, and interning for the summer with the Office of Economic Development’s Startup Advocate, David Harris. In addition to running the StartupSeattle… [ Keep reading ]

Startup Seattle Stories: Bellom

If there is a “usual way” people meet their future business partners—maybe in business school, or at a networking event—then Jyde Ojo and Karina Krivenko did not meet that way. They met at a salsa dancing class three years ago. The pair now runs Bellom, an app that allows users… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle, a fashion powerhouse

Seattle is the seventh largest apparel-manufacturing center in the United States. It is also the fourth largest city for fashion designer employment in the United States. At the time of a 2010 study, there were 500-700  estimated fashion company headquarters in the greater Seattle area. Apparel and fashion products produced… [ Keep reading ]

Innovation and inclusion: Our first 100 day campaign

Here in the Office of Economic Development, we envision Seattle as the most innovative and inclusive city to start and grow your business and your career. I wanted to take a look back on our first quarter, and invite you to engage with us as we strive to support you… [ Keep reading ]

Washington State China Relations Council appoints Rebecca Lovell and Carlton Vann to board of directors

The Washington State China Relations Council voted to confirm the Seattle Office of Economic Development’s Acting Director Rebecca Lovell and International Business Development Director Carlton Vann to its board of directors. Lovell and Vann will join fellow board directors in furthering WSCRC’s mission to contribute to our region’s economic vitality… [ Keep reading ]

Restaurant Success workshop provides free guidance for entrepreneurs

The Seattle Office of Economic Development’s Jennifer Tam welcomed the first Restaurant Success workshop of 2018 with a realistic, but optimistic, idea of what it’s like to open a food service business in the city. “There are about twice as many restaurants per person in Seattle as the rest of… [ Keep reading ]