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Resources Roundup: 4/6/2020

The City of Seattle is committed to keeping you updated through these challenging and unprecedented times. In this weekly blog, we’ll provide you with news and information about resources available and policies from the City of Seattle, the State of Washington, the federal government, and our philanthropic partners. The City… [ Keep reading ]

Small Business COVID-19 Weekly Webinars: March 25 and April 1

The City of Seattle’s Office of Economic Development is committed to responding to and supporting our small businesses to mitigate the economic impact of COVID-19. As this is a rapidly developing issue, we are holding weekly calls to share new developments, hear about the impacts you are experiencing, and answer your questions…. [ Keep reading ]

Resources Roundup: 4/2/2020

Following is information highlighting new and current resources available from the City of Seattle, the State of Washington, and the Federal government. There’s lots of new information coming out for small business owners and workers, and we’ll try to keep you updated each week about what’s going on and the… [ Keep reading ]

Neighborhood business districts webinar March 26, 2020

Thank you to those that were able to join us last week for the webinar. The presentations and recording are available on here on our blog. I know you all are working incredibly hard to support your businesses through this crisis. We are here to support in any way we can,… [ Keep reading ]