Nominations open until February 14, 2020
Kelsey Nyland, Office of the Mayor
On December 2, 2019, the Seattle Office of Economic Development opened nominations for Seattle’s first annual Legacy Business Program. The Legacy Business Program will recognize small, local businesses that have made significant cultural contributions to their neighborhoods and communities for ten years or more.
One Legacy Business will be selected from each of the seven council districts. These businesses will receive public recognition at an awards ceremony in May, in recognition of National Small Business Month. Winners will also receive access to a variety of small business support services through the Office of Economic Development, including a commercial lease and succession planning toolkit, marketing and legal consultation.
“Legacy Businesses give our neighborhoods character and face the same displacement pressures as many Seattle residents, said Councilmember Lisa Herbold (District 1, West Seattle – Southpark), who has worked on creating a Legacy Business Program since 2016. “The nomination and designation of Legacy Businesses is one way to honor the resilience of these beloved businesses and recognize their contribution to the city’s cultural vibrancy, our local economy, and our sense of place. I’m hopeful the city will continue to develop resources and tools — such as succession planning, marketing consultations, and incentivizing the development of affordable commercial space — so our Legacy Businesses can continue to thrive.”
Nominations are open to the public. Nominated businesses must then apply to be considered for selection. Winners will be chosen by a selection committee comprised of business district representatives from each of the seven council districts. In-language support is available for the application process. Nominations are open until February 14, 2020 and can be submitted at