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Meet the newest Tenant Improvement Program participants

We’re excited to share the list of new awardees of the Tenant Improvement Program in 2024. Through the program, the 38 participants receive different support and funding based on business need and readiness. These small businesses are located throughout the city, include legacy businesses, and offer different services to the… [ Keep reading ]

Investing in our community: the Tenant Improvement Fund 

Pilot program provides $3.4M to local businesses, including 33 BIPOC-owned businesses, for commercial space improvements In 2022 and 2023, the Seattle Office of Economic Development piloted a new program aimed at addressing displacement and building community wealth: the Tenant Improvement (TI) Fund. Through OED, the City invested $3.4M in 34… [ Keep reading ]

Tenant Improvement Fund Recipients and Projects 2022-23 

The Office of Economic Development’s Tenant Improvement Program invests in a business’ infrastructure to support their growth and sustainability. The program makes initial tenancy costs more affordable for small businesses or lowers the cost to renovate and/or upgrade their commercial space. The program provides professional services such as space planning… [ Keep reading ]