Creating a unique retail experience requires knowing your customers, having the right product and of course location, location, location. The Seattle Office of Economic Development is seeking consultants to conduct Retail and Ground Floor Revitalization Analysis in some of Seattle’s distinctive neighborhoods as well as key areas Downtown. To learn more, please view the RFP and RFP Response Form.
Seattle continues to grow and how we shop continues to evolve, reshaping downtown and our neighborhoods. These changes create a need to rethink prior retail strategies and practices. The RFP focuses on an analysis and implementation plan for multiple Seattle and Downtown neighborhoods working towards a community vision.
Neighborhoods are seeking to revitalize commercial ground floor space, enhance walkability, support their existing community, and attract visitors. While neighborhoods may share characteristics and challenges, each has unique qualities and strengths. The Retail RFP is designed to address them individually and offer insights into their market. The City is emphasizing analysis focused on commercial ground floor space and is open to exploring a variety of uses including shopping, restaurants, schools, community centers, health care facilities, yoga studios, and more.
The retail and ground floor analysis must include both 1) analysis and 2) recommended strategies for implementation. The City is looking to award one or more contracts depending on expertise and experience with different neighborhoods. Total cost for all studies is not to exceed $500,000. Proposals will be considered that fit within this funding amount and include both analysis and a robust implementation plan as part of the proposed budget.
The Retail and Ground Floor Revitalization Analysis will serve as a catalyst and resource to support neighborhoods and Downtown in advancing their own priorities. It will also help align public, private, and philanthropic efforts to create the best commercial “mix” and experience on street level.
Completed RFP Response Forms are due 9 a.m. PST on Monday, June 3 and to be e-mailed to with the subject line: OED Retail and Ground Floor Analysis. Late applications and paper copies will not be accepted. Failure to type the title into the email subject line may result in your email and/or submittal not reaching the city contact within the time intended. For more information contact Anthony Johnson, Business District Advocate at 206-635-1286 or